XtreemOS Announces Public Access to Open Test Bed
September 23, 2010 - Rennes, France
XtreemOS Consortium Announces Public Access to Open Test Bed
The XtreemOS consortium, an FP6 European research project, funded in part by the European Commission, is pleased to announce the opening of a publicly accessible test bed. The purpose of the test bed is to allow computer scientists, researchers, students and other interested developers to experiment and learn more about XtreemOS grid operating system.
XtreemOS is a set of technologies developed on top of Mandriva Linux to enable ease of use on clusters and grids. XtreemOS has been developed over the past 4 years by an international consortium of 19 academic and industrial partners.
When asked why the consortium decided to open their test bed, Dr. Christine Morin, a research director at INRIA (Institut National de Recherche en Infomatique et Automatique) replied, “We wanted to concretely demonstrate our efforts over the past four years, as well as to seek interest from other computer researchers and scientists to participate in the future development of XtreemOS.” Dr Morin organized and has been the scientific coordinator for the XtreemOS project since its inception in 2006.
Users on the test bed will be able to perform various tests, port their applications and run jobs interactively within a grid context. The test bed is distributed amongst several partners throughout Europe.
Interested users are invited to visit the XtreemOS Wiki for exact details at: