List of open positions related to XtreemOS
Currently, there are 3 open positions available:
The two following positions are proposed in the framework of the European Contrail project ( project aims at designing,
implementing, evaluating and promoting an open source system in which resources
that belong to different operators are integrated into a single homogeneous
Federated Cloud that users can access seamlessly. Contrail will leveradge the open source XtreemOS system.
- R&D engineer / Technical manager - INRIA (FRance)
The engineer will develop and performance scientific experiments within the Myriads research team. The objective is to make the XtreemOS system sustainable. It consists in developing and implementing tools and environments to help users to install, deploy and use the system on a machine network. We target two types of users: those who want to experiment the system deploying it on their own machines and those who want to test the XtreemOS advanced features for their applications accessing to an open platform on which the system is already deployed.
- Application deadline: October 8, 2010
- Detailed job description available here
R&D engineer - Design and implementation of a distributed operating system for federations of virtualized infrastructures - INRIA (France)
The R&D engineer will participate in the research and development activities related to the design and implementation of a distributed operating system for federations of virtualized infrastructures that will be conducted by INRIA Rennes within the Contrail project.
- Application deadline: October 8, 2010
- Detailed job description available here
The Zuse Institute Berlin (ZIB) is a non-university research institute under public law of the state of Berlin. In close interdisciplinary co-operation with the Berlin universities as well as national and international scientific institutions, ZIB conducts research and development in the field of information technology, applied mathematics, and computer science. To support research and development efforts in EU- and BMBF-funded projects, the department Parallel and Distributed Systems invites applications for several
PhD Student or PostDoc Positions (f/m) for the duration of two years
Vgr. IIa/Ib BAT/Anwendungs-TV Land Berlin - Application code WA 22/10
As a research assistant you will explore, design, implement and evaluate scalable, fault-tolerant and distributed algorithms and systems for processing large-scale scientific data. We have developed a range of systems including: Scalaris, a structured peer-to-peer storage system; XtreemFS, a distributed and replicated file system, and BabuDB, a replicated key-value store. In co-operation with partners from science and industry we validate, extend, and optimize our solutions in production environments.
- Master's degree or Diploma in computer science
- Solid fundamentals in distributed systems and algorithms
- Experience with distributed file systems, databases or peer-to-peer technology
- Demonstrated coding skills in C++, Java or Erlang
- Familiarity with Unix/Linux
- Ability to work in interdisciplinary and international teams
- Fluency in English
You will work in an inspiring and pleasant environment and will receive adequate professional support. We offer challenging scientific tasks, a high degree of autonomy, and state-of-the-art technical infrastructure. You will have the opportunity to pursue a PhD or Habilitation supervised by Prof. Reinefeld.
The position will be initially financed for a period of two years with the possibility of extension. The salary is based upon wage group IIa/Ib as per Berlin Collective Agreement for the Public Sector.
Zuse Institute Berlin is an equal opportunity employer. We prefer to balance the number of female and male employees in our institute. Thus, we kindly encourage female candidates to apply to this job offer. Handicapped persons will be given preference to other equally qualified candidates.
Please send your complete application, referring to application code WA 22/10, including cover letter, CV and relevant certificates/GPA/university transcripts until 15. October 2010 to
Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum fuer Informationstechnik Berlin (ZIB), - Verwaltung -, Takustr. 7, 14195 Berlin, Germany
You will find additional information on our web site
For technical information, please contact Dr. Florian Schintke (