XtreemOS-related events
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Challenge 2010
XtreemOS summit 2010
August 30, 2010- in conjunction with Euro-Par 2010 (Ischia-Naples, Italy)
Summer school 2010
Tutorial at EuroSys 2010
Tutorial at OGF28
March 15, 2010, Munich, Germany
XtreemOS summer school 2009
XtreemOS summit at Euro-Par 2009
Tutorial at ICS'2009: Security and VO Management in Grids
Workshop on Large-scale Systems (LARGE '09)
In 2008 Toni Cortes (BSC) organized the XtreemOS-labelled LASCO'08 workshop co-located with Usenix technical conference. In 2009, we will have a second edition of our workshop. In response to USENIX' request to merge with their previous WORLDS workshop, and to avoid a name clash with another venue, this year's name will be LARGE and will be organized by Thilo Kielmann (VUA / XtreemOS) and Brian Noble (University of Michigan).
1st Workshop on Large-Scale Computing (LASCO'08)
June 23rd 2008
Boston, MA, USA